hallo Erika Altosaar

am 10. Mai 2010 in #hallo Name #Restkunst

Ich weiß schon gar nicht mehr wie und wann ich auf Erika Altosaars Portfolio gestoßen bin. Jedenfalls habe ich die Zeichnungen der jungen Kanadierin von Anfang an gefühlt. Auf teilweise unterschiedlichen Materialien weiß sie stets ihren ganz eigenen Stil zu wahren und kann stets die gleiche intensive Tiefe vermitteln. The fragrance separate to the flower.

Your Passion.

I’m so busy a person that I easily grow to be very restless when I’m fresh out of things to do. I’m a full-time student for half of the year, and this summer I’m looking to work freelance on a few commissions and editorials as well as working a full-time job serving in a restaurant in downtown Toronto. My passion though, first and foremost, is the work that I produce with my hands and the intimacy I feel with that. There’s nothing I love more than finding myself in a thriving environment that fuels me and my work.

Inspiration / Motivation.

My peers and my contemporaries. What the people I hold closest have to offer me is hugely beneficial to me.

Daily Routine.

This is so varied – what you should know is that I never leave the house without breakfast and a coffee in my belly!


I’m working on illustrations for a few arts and culture zines in Toronto, Montreal and New York right now. They’re keeping me busy and distracted from my own body of work, but it’s an interesting challenge molding my habits of working to new themes for public appeal!

3 Albums.

Hmmm, „Rumors“ by Fleetwood Mac because it’s timeless and essential. „Years“ by Attack In Black because it’s nostalgic and strong. Hm, This is a hard question! „Haha Sound!“ by Broadcast because it’s lyrical perfection!

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